I think I've got a basic grasp on what happens when a windows machine tries to run a ThinApp supplied by Horizon Workspace. That is, the Horizon Workspace Agent will SYNC entitled applications and then they "live" in cache in %programdata%\thinappcache\{app name}. Logging for the experience shows up in %programdata%\vmware\horizon apps\service.log.
Okay. Great.
Now, what about iOS, Mac, Android?
I haven't done / attempted this yet.. but I want to understand what I should expect BEFORE I do this.
If I use, say, the iOS client then pick FileZilla (as seen in this screenshot http://screencast.com/t/0henPMHy )
then how / where is the app actually "running" ?
Again: In "windows" I get it.
Everything else.. I dont see how it could possibly run.
Looking forward to the clarity.
Thanks !