That said the way vCloud handles this is by provider VDCs. You would setup a new provider VDC using the new vCenter. Once this is created you would create an Org VDC in the new org using resources from this new provider. This new org could be set to use just this new vcenter, or also share resources from the other if needed.
You will need a new vShield Manager per vCenter, also it is suggested a new vCloud Cell per each vCenter (VCAT suggests #vcenter + 1 for cell count)
If you have catalog items that need to be shared between the two vCenters you have a couple options.
1. don't do anything, vCloud will make shadow copies (clone copies) of your catalog items when needed. It will use OVF export/import for this process.
2. If the OVF export/import will be a problem. (ie lots of shared catalog items) - you will want to research the Fast Copy operations in vCloud director. [requires very specific catalog and storage setup]