I am trying to write a script that configures vSphere hosts before they are shipped out to remote sites. One of the actions I am try to accomplish is importing and ovf file to the host.
The problem I am having is the process jumps to 10% in powershell and hangs, if you look in the vSphere client it is at 0% and just sits there.
The code I am using is...
$ip_addr = ""
$datastore_name = "host1:local"
$template_location = "C:\Scripts\W2K8R2SP1.40GB\W2K8R2SP1.40GB.ovf"
Import-VApp -Source $template_location -VMHost $ip_addr -Datastore $datastore_name
If I import the file manually through the client it works fine. I am running powercli version 5.1 release 1 build 793510.
Thanks in advance for your help.