Hello, I have been running VMWare for almost a year but have never really got into the resources in our windows environment.
1 Physical Machine runs a DC with exchange and a TS. All systems seem to be fine but we are looking at hardware purchasing as our equipment is EOL and Im wondering if I am utilizing the equipment well enough. We have other Physicals with Vm's so I am wondering if one server could suffice for everything.
My question is to do with Memory and its 4 Measurements Balloon, Active, Consumed and Granted.
Granted is easy, that how much I've given it.
Balloon is 0 because of the memory setup/features I am not using.
Consumed is approximately 85% of my Granted and a fairly flat graph.
Active is 25-45% of my range.
The TS graph below has 14GB allocated as I had less, but Windows was showing me using 90-95% of memory with 10-12GB so I upped it and am now down to around the 80% mark with 12 active users. Unfortunately web browsing and tabs takes up to 400MB from some users daily but not at the time of this graph. My understanding would be that I could lower the Virtual Memory, but then the guest OS will start peaking at 100% again. Can anyone shed some light on this?