I have a video resolution issue.
I have set my screen resolution in VMWare workstation to a max of 1600x900, but it isn't taking. Any help or ideas are appreciated.
- Using VMWare Workstation 9.0.2.
- VM has v7 hardware version
- Guest OS is Windows Server 2008R2
- Host OS is Windows 7 Enterprise
The relevant section of my .vmx file is below:
svga.autodetect = "FALSE"
svga.maxWidth = "1600"
svga.maxHeight = "900"
svga.vramSize = "134217728"
svga.numDisplays = "1"
The Workstation UI reflects these entries in VM>Settings>Display
- When I boot, I get 1400x1050 resolution, more than my maxHeight.
- When I try to change resolution in the guest, 1600x900 is not an available option, even under advanced options > list all modes.
What I have tried (without resolution):
- Uninstalling and re-installing the latest VMWare Tools.
- Mucking with the svga.vramSize in the .vmx file.
- Adding video modes as described in http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1003. I was unable to find the vmx_svga registry key that was required, and was also unable to find Resolution.3.
- Mucking with the system registry as advised here: http://www.netometer.com/video/tutorials/core-server-change-resolution/index.php