Hi all,
I've run into a problem with a VMware View 5.2 testing environment I look after. I've been trying to recompose a pool after making changes to the base image. When I try to designate the latest snapshot, I get an AD authentication error. After some more investigation I've noticed there seems to be a mismatch between the naming pattern for the pool and the AD accounts that exist for the VDI desktops. In View administrator, the naming pattern is set to "vdi-tst". In Desktops in View Administrator, the desktops seem to follow this naming convention with vdi-tst1, vdi-tst2, etc. However, when I go into AD, there's no matching account names. The only ones I can find are with the naming format of "vdi-stg" (which is the naming format of a different and seperate testing environment).
Could this mismatch be the cause of the AD authentication error I'm getting? And is there a way to fix it? Thanks.