you can try using something like this :
Found here : VMware: Configure Multipath Policy via PowerCLI | VMpros
$strHost = Get-VMHost
connect-viserver $strHost
$esxcli = $strHost | Get-EsxCLI
$strHost | Get-ScsiLun -CanonicalName “naa.6001*” | Set-ScsiLun -Multipathpolicy “roundrobin”
$esxcli.storage.nmp.device.list() | Where {$_.PathSelectionPolicy -eq “VMW_PSP_RR”} | %{$esxcli.storage.nmp.psp.roundrobin.deviceconfig.set($null,$true, $_.device, 1,”iops”,$null)}
$esxcli.storage.nmp.device.list() | Where {$_.PathSelectionPolicy -eq “VMW_PSP_RR”} | %{$esxcli.storage.nmp.psp.roundrobin.deviceconfig.get($_.device)}
You can change multipath policy as you need.
Or here from a previous post : Set multipath policy to FIXED and load balance preffered paths for a set of RDM LUNs