What is the best strategy for keeping a consistent, intuitive, allocation of NIOC shares in an enviornment with many different virtual distributed switches?
For example, I have one distributed virtual switch in each of 3 sites, all managed by one vCenter. I want to have a consitent strategy so things are easy to view and figure out what is happening during a support incident. A
In one site I have 5 different types of traffic that need to have separate NIOC resource pools and share values assigned to them.
In site 2 I have 6 different types of traffic that need to be assigned shares.
In site 3 I have 4 different types of traffic.
All sites use two 10Gb links from each ESXi host.
Although all sites have some commonalities (all have management traffic, vmotion traffic, and virtual machine traffic) the sites all have differences too.
Some have backup traffic where others don't. Some have iSCSI traffic and others have both iSCSI and NFS, etc.
Should I have 100 shares at each site, and then make make my ratios the same between similar types of traffic? Should I keep share values the same such as 20 for vmotion traffic, 20 for virtual machine traffic, 5 for mangement traffic and 20 for storage traffic? Should I try to keep the actual resulting bandwidth identical in terms of Gbps at each site for each traffic type? If I decide I will always have for example 3Gbps for virtual machine traffic and 3Gbps for storage traffic, and use the rest proportionately, and have 100 shares at each site, then for each site I would just change the share values so the calculation comes out at 3Gbps at each site.
Obviously there are many ways to acheive the same result based on how many shares you start with and how many shares go to each resource pool. I'm trying to make things as understandable in vCenter when someone goes in there as possible. Is there a better way to approach this? What is the easiest to administer, most user make things appear in vSphere Client for the next admin? Should I standardize my total number of shares and then pick my individual resource pool share values to make my resulting bandwidth the same? Should I keep my individual resource pool share values the same and have different total share values at each site, but insure the resulting bandwidth is the same for each traffic type?