I am trying to generate a cert for Log Insight by using the method that is described in this blog post (at the bottom) using an automated batch file
The resulting chain.pem file includes my cert and CA cert chain. When I attempt to add it to Log Insight, it says the cert is invalid. Can you guys provide any suggestions on how to modify this bit of batch code to work with Log Insight? The meat of the batch is listed below (I just left out all the variables that are set beforehand)
CD /d %Cert_Path%\loginsight
%OpenSSL_BIN% genrsa 2048 > rui.key
%OpenSSL_BIN% req -out rui.csr -key rui.key -new -config loginsight.cfg
certreq -submit -f -q -config "%CA_NAME%" -attrib "CertificateTemplate:%Cert_Template%" rui.csr rui.crt
%OpenSSL_BIN% pkcs12 -export -in rui.crt -inkey rui.key -certfile %CA_Cert_Chain% -name rui -out rui.pem
copy /B rui.crt + %CA_Cert_Chain% chain.pem