Thanks! That works, I now have an OS/X shell script:
tell application "VMware Fusion"
set bounds of window "ts_0" to {-480, -1080, 69, -719}
set bounds of window "ts_1" to {-480, -720, 69, -359}
set bounds of window "ts_2" to {-480, -360, 69, -1}
end try
end tell
which does the job. The negative numbers are how OS/X apparently describes my desktop monitor that sits above the laptop screen. I left out the check if Fusion's running since I'll run the script manually when my display demands it.
I also wanted to be able to script "hey Fusion, turn off the toolbar on those windows", which I know AppleScript can do, but -- I'm clueless newbie at it, and OS/X in general. My current recursive OS/X problem stack is:
- all OS/X apps, when I try to display help, no window comes up -- like the help-displayer app is helplessly broken [no idea]
- trying to get help in AppleScript Editor because the "Record" action doesn't seem to do anything [googling says forget it, Fusion has to support _Record_ which it almost certainly doesn't]
- trying to "Record" my telling Fusion to turn off the toolbar in one of my windows, so I can add that to the window setup script [can probably do by manually typing the menu item names etc. into the right AppleScript syntax, googling not yet complete]