Luc, many thanks it is very cool and great to know that it is possible , I guess, no need to export to CSV.
One more little thing, how to modify the script so that the Physical RDM also displayed and the LUN Number shown as well which is connected to VM-A for example ? (or any format that it is possible to show the relationship.
LUNS presented total 7
VMFS1 - LUN Number 123
RDM1 - LUN Number 68 (AppServer01)
VMFS3 - LUN Number 179
RDM9 - LUN Number 189 (FileServer 02)
RDM3 - LUN Number 222 (ExchangeServer02)
VMFS4 - LUN Number 33
RDM4 - LUN Number 200 (ExchangeServer01)