ddb.thinProvisioned = "1" make this 0 instead of 1, looks like it was thick disk before. Make sure to use Client and remove the vmdk from VM and re-add it back to VM. If doesn't work see this KB again to recreate the descriptor file.
By looking at this from host file, i cant see the / in the file name, so it just looks like vmx is edited manually and / is missing. Maybe i am not seeing right.
2013-09-15T22:42:10.554Z [3A381B90 info 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/511d50b9-3f75b270-7f97-78e7d18c35fe/KMS/KMS.vmx' opID=0DEA2584-000005B6] GetLocalFilePath: check for existence failed: /vmfs/volumes/511d50b9-3f75b270-7f97-78e7d18c35fe/AD+JQ-2fExchange Test - Indiana AD+JQ-2fExchange Test - Indiana _3.vmdk
VMware KB: Recreating a missing virtual machine disk (VMDK) descriptor file