Here's the question: How in the heck can I get help figuring out how to get my PC to be on my Mac via Fusion? I am absolutely incapable of following the basic instructions on the VMware site. After hours of frustration, I realized I didn't even know how to attempt to do (what I imagine are basic) things necessary to go from one step to another. I feel complete lost and quite stupid. I can't even articulate what I don't know or what specific help I need--I'm totally lost! I would gladly go to a vendor today and pay $100 just to have someone do the transfer for me. Is there any help (or hope) for someone in my situation? I naively thought this would all be doable in a couple of hours. Unfortunately, I needed to have the computer ready before a deadline on the 30th of this month. If anyone knows how/where I can get immediate help, I would very much appreciate the information.
Back story: I am so embarrassed by my complete lack of knowledge and ability with regard to computers. After years of waiting, I finally bought a new Mac to replace the old one on which I completed 6 years of graduate school. Besides needing a new computer that could be used--hard--for several years to come, I purchased a new Mac with more memory and speed so that I might be able to run my old PC laptop stuff on it as well. My PC is a Toshiba laptop with Windows 7 on it. It has lots of documents and settings that I want to preserve and use as they are. Specifically, I have been working on documenting an extinct language by means of a dictionary-making program that does not run on Macs, but I prefer to work on my Mac and hate the PC.