I'm having the same problem and its driving me crazy. Some more info on this.
I have two virutal system, a linux one running fedora 19 and a windows 7 one. The linux virtual system runs fine, but when I boot up the windows 7 it freezes my workstation. When I boot up my windows 7 virtual system, the freeze does not occur until I log into my windows 7 virtual system. But once I log in, it freezes up in less than a minute.
When I my boot red hat enterprise linux system using the previous kernel 2.6.32-358.23.2, and I boot up the windows 7 virtual system, my workstation does not freeze up, but the networking on the windows 7 virtual system does not work.
One thing I'm going to try as a temporary work around is to de-install the vmware tools software package, which hopefully will de-install virtualized aware drivers, which I think may be causing the problem.
I'll keep posting to this thread as I work through this problem.