Thank you for your response 'UEMdev'
Please find my notes (in red color) for your comments.
2017-05-09 13:34:36.660 [DEBUG] Logging to file '\\...\uemprofiles\...\logs'
Not a problem at all, but unlike the Flex config files path and the profile archive path settings (which should point to a folder), the log file path should include a file name. With this configuration, you'll end up with a log file called "logs". Again, not a technical problem, but probably easier to specify something like \\...\uemprofiles\...\logs\FlexEngine.log instead.
Note: Thank you for this comment, I will make it change
2017-05-09 13:34:37.207 [ERROR] AdmxActions: Invalid <Key> 'Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\zzz.SafeSend' ('SafeSend.xml')[/SafeSend Email Security for Outlook][Enabled]
ADMX-based settings only support actual policies, that is, settings that live under HKCU\Software\Policies\... registry locations. Settings under the non-policy HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\... location can be managed through UEM "Registry Settings" instead.
I'm surprised to see that the UEM Management Console allowed the creation of the SafeSend.xml config file based on this ADMX template. Thank you for bringing that to our attention.
Note: Yes that's true, thanks to UEM
2017-05-09 13:34:51.606 [DEBUG] ImportRegistry::Import: Calling '"C:\Windows\REGEDIT.EXE" /S "C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\FLX7125.tmp"' (RPAL: l=0 (D/E), r=0)
2017-05-09 13:34:55.356 [DEBUG] Read 1 entry from profile archive (size: 2590110; compressed: 218070)
Regedit.exe needing nearly 4 seconds to import a .REG file is rather slow (even though the file is 2.5 megabytes), so Pim's remark about antivirus settings is definitely something to check from a performance perspective.
Note: I will try to follow what Pim and KB [Imports and exports in VMware User Environment Manager are slow (2113665) | VMware KB ] is saying.
2017-05-09 13:34:56.883 [DEBUG] Running post-import task asynchronously ('"C:\Program Files\Immidio\Flex Profiles\FlexEngine.exe" -UemRefreshshortcuts') ('UEM-Refresh.xml')
Any particular reason why you're launching this at the end of the path-based import? The shortcuts have just been processed (actually, 10 of them are still scheduled to be created asynchronously), so this refresh will probably not achieve much (under most circumstances this will just result in an "Async UEM actions or UEM Refresh in progress" error message in the log file (actually, most probably in a "-1" log file, as the main log file will be in use)).
Note: I am using it due to the random error [see below attached image] that I am seeing
the below error may be related to app volumes (I am not sure).