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Re: Started to get a number of errors on vCenter 6.5b - UI feels slow


Maybe it is because of a Flash bug?


It seems to run much, much, much smoother in Google Chrome and HTML5 (but here are some limitations)... damn I hate going away from the fat client.


Anyone having issues like this after latest Windows updates?


Regards, Lars.

Re: User Profile is not updating in UEM


Thanks for reply Ivan,


As I mentioned, user profile issue is occurring randomly with random users.


I think the log file is updating after it reached it's log file space limit, I will try to get the log file next time if I see the problem.

Re: User Profile is not updating in UEM


Please find the attached file, sorry for delay

Re: User Profile is not updating in UEM


Please find the attached file UEMDev, sorry for delay

Re: User Profile is not updating in UEM


Hi Pim, please find the attached file, let me know if this log file is not correct.


I am facing lot of problems (inconsistency) with user profile export and import.


Thank you,


Re: User Profile is not updating in UEM


The issue of pinned items I'll leave for Ivan and Pim to address , as they have way more experience with tweaking .INI settings.


I'm afraid that there's no good answer for dealing with scenarios where settings randomly do not persist, other than checking the log file for clues around the time the issue occurs. I also checked the log file you attached to update #19, and just like Ivan and Pim already stated, pretty much everything seems to work fine.


I have a few minor notes and comments, but none of the issues I highlight below will result in settings not persisting...


2017-05-09 13:34:36.660 [DEBUG]    Logging to file '\\...\uemprofiles\...\logs'

Not a problem at all, but unlike the Flex config files path and the profile archive path settings (which should point to a folder), the log file path should include a file name. With this configuration, you'll end up with a log file called "logs". Again, not a technical problem, but probably easier to specify something like \\...\uemprofiles\...\logs\FlexEngine.log instead.


2017-05-09 13:34:37.207 [ERROR] AdmxActions: Invalid <Key> 'Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\zzz.SafeSend' ('SafeSend.xml')[/SafeSend Email Security for Outlook][Enabled]

ADMX-based settings only support actual policies, that is, settings that live under HKCU\Software\Policies\... registry locations. Settings under the non-policy HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\... location can be managed through UEM "Registry Settings" instead.

I'm surprised to see that the UEM Management Console allowed the creation of the SafeSend.xml config file based on this ADMX template. Thank you for bringing that to our attention.


2017-05-09 13:34:51.606 [DEBUG] ImportRegistry::Import: Calling '"C:\Windows\REGEDIT.EXE" /S "C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\FLX7125.tmp"' (RPAL: l=0 (D/E), r=0)

2017-05-09 13:34:55.356 [DEBUG] Read 1 entry from profile archive (size: 2590110; compressed: 218070)


Regedit.exe needing nearly 4 seconds to import a .REG file is rather slow (even though the file is 2.5 megabytes), so Pim's remark about antivirus settings is definitely something to check from a performance perspective.


2017-05-09 13:34:56.883 [DEBUG] Running post-import task asynchronously ('"C:\Program Files\Immidio\Flex Profiles\FlexEngine.exe" -UemRefreshshortcuts') ('UEM-Refresh.xml')

Any particular reason why you're launching this at the end of the path-based import? The shortcuts have just been processed (actually, 10 of them are still scheduled to be created asynchronously), so this refresh will probably not achieve much (under most circumstances this will just result in an "Async UEM actions or UEM Refresh in progress" error message in the log file (actually, most probably in a "-1" log file, as the main log file will be in use)).

Re: Error when starting VM


I installed the version you suggested and the error appears to be identical





2017-05-10T19:21:48.998-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: CoreDump: Including thread 12860

2017-05-10T19:21:48.998-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: CoreDump: Including thread 1528

2017-05-10T19:21:48.998-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: CoreDump: Including thread 11440

2017-05-10T19:21:48.998-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: CoreDump: Including thread 556

2017-05-10T19:21:49.029-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: Msg_Post: Error

2017-05-10T19:21:49.029-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.log.error.unrecoverable] VMware Player unrecoverable error: (vcpu-0)

2017-05-10T19:21:49.029-04:00| vcpu-0| I125+ vcpu-0:VERIFY vmcore/vmm/main/cpuid.c:386 bugNr=1036521

2017-05-10T19:21:49.029-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.panic.haveLog] A log file is available in "C:\Users\Brad\Documents\Virtual Machines\vmware.log". 

2017-05-10T19:21:49.029-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.panic.requestSupport.withoutLog] You can request support. 

2017-05-10T19:21:49.029-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.panic.requestSupport.vmSupport.vmx86]

2017-05-10T19:21:49.029-04:00| vcpu-0| I125+ To collect data to submit to VMware technical support, run "vm-support".

2017-05-10T19:21:49.029-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: [msg.panic.response] We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.

2017-05-10T19:21:49.030-04:00| vcpu-0| I125: ----------------------------------------

2017-05-10T19:21:49.160-04:00| vmx| I125: USB: Connecting device desc:name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0e0f pid:0008 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3 id:0x600000010e0f0008

2017-05-10T19:21:50.161-04:00| vmx| I125: USB: Connecting device desc:name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0e0f pid:0008 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3 id:0x600000010e0f0008

2017-05-10T19:21:52.161-04:00| vmx| I125: USB: Connecting device desc:name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0e0f pid:0008 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3 id:0x600000010e0f0008

2017-05-10T19:22:02.163-04:00| vmx| I125: USB: Connecting device desc:name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0e0f pid:0008 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3 id:0x600000010e0f0008

2017-05-10T19:22:32.165-04:00| vmx| I125: USB: Connecting device desc:name:Virtual\ Bluetooth\ Adapter vid:0e0f pid:0008 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth info:0000001 version:3 id:0x600000010e0f0008




Re: Error when starting VM


What other VM software is there.


Oracle doesn't work and now VM player. I'd much rather move onto a product that works then try and spend time on one that doesn't work out of the box

Re: vCenterのサービスが起動できない




今回はView 関連のコンポーネントでも同じSQL Serverを使用しているのではないかと推測して、

SQL Server との接続が怪しそうだと思いました。

(それらのインストール中にSQL Server の設定を変更しているかもしれない、ということで )




ODBC および DSN エラーが発生し、vCenter Server インストールに失敗する (2078550) | VMware KB

vCenter Server installation fails with ODBC and DSN errors (1003928) | VMware KB (原文)


あるいは、いったんvCenter→SQL Serverの接続で使用しているユーザのパスワードを変更してしまうのも


vCenter Server データベースのユーザー ID およびパスワードの変更 (2073916) | VMware KB

Changing the vCenter Server database user ID and password (1006482) | VMware KB (原文)





convert microsoft virtual pc created vhd to run in vm workstation pro


I am getting a windows 10 pc which does not run microsoft VPC. I have an existing XP guest VPC VHD I want to run under wmware workstation pro. I have done some research and it appears I install workstation pro in the host machine (windows 10), use workstation pro to convert the VHD to workstation format. Then I need to install vmware tools in the new guest virtual machine and make any necessary adjustments.

Do I have the sequence right? I assume vmware tools will run on the XP host. What adjustments might I need to make? Can you point me to any KB articles on this subject?

Any problem areas in the process or things to watch out for or things not to do?





Re: esxi 5.1 host getting disconnect from vcenter after 30secs


what exact tcpdump should i use?

tcpdump -n host x.x.x.x -vv /tmp/filename.pcap

Like described on VMware KB 2084896 that I posted previously, the tcpdump -i interfacename -w filename should be enough to capture traffic and write to a file.


is it udp 902 on the appliance or esxi host?

or it is tcp 443 on the esxi host?

Port 902 UDP should be open between ESXi host and vCenter to managed host send regular heartbeat to vCenter server. Port TCP 443 must be open too, but that port is for another purpose, and not for heartbeat. See full port documentation here: Network ports required to access vCenter Server, ESXi, and ESX hosts (1012382) | VMware KB

Re: Network partition scenario with 3 hosts




Below is my proposed diagram which I am planning to implement.

In Edge I have 2 interfaces.

Interface#1 -

Interface#2 -

So from Edge Gateway perspective (ECMP Disabled) 2 equal paths to Physical Routers (R#1 & R2#)

So there are chances that the traffic may leave from Interface#1 & may get the return traffic on Interface#2

So in this case if I enable NAT in ESG will it work.

What is the recommended design in HA Mode to have single Edge Outside interface or the below design will work. ( Considering I will be using NAT in Edge GW in future)


Re: User Profile is not updating in UEM


Thank you for your response 'UEMdev'


Please find my notes (in red color) for your comments.


2017-05-09 13:34:36.660 [DEBUG]    Logging to file '\\...\uemprofiles\...\logs'

Not a problem at all, but unlike the Flex config files path and the profile archive path settings (which should point to a folder), the log file path should include a file name. With this configuration, you'll end up with a log file called "logs". Again, not a technical problem, but probably easier to specify something like \\...\uemprofiles\...\logs\FlexEngine.log instead.

Note: Thank you for this comment, I will make it change 



2017-05-09 13:34:37.207 [ERROR] AdmxActions: Invalid <Key> 'Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\zzz.SafeSend' ('SafeSend.xml')[/SafeSend Email Security for Outlook][Enabled]

ADMX-based settings only support actual policies, that is, settings that live under HKCU\Software\Policies\... registry locations. Settings under the non-policy HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\... location can be managed through UEM "Registry Settings" instead.

I'm surprised to see that the UEM Management Console allowed the creation of the SafeSend.xml config file based on this ADMX template. Thank you for bringing that to our attention.

Note: Yes that's true, thanks to UEM


2017-05-09 13:34:51.606 [DEBUG] ImportRegistry::Import: Calling '"C:\Windows\REGEDIT.EXE" /S "C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\FLX7125.tmp"' (RPAL: l=0 (D/E), r=0)

2017-05-09 13:34:55.356 [DEBUG] Read 1 entry from profile archive (size: 2590110; compressed: 218070)


Regedit.exe needing nearly 4 seconds to import a .REG file is rather slow (even though the file is 2.5 megabytes), so Pim's remark about antivirus settings is definitely something to check from a performance perspective.

Note: I will try to follow what Pim and KB [Imports and exports in VMware User Environment Manager are slow (2113665) | VMware KB ] is saying.


2017-05-09 13:34:56.883 [DEBUG] Running post-import task asynchronously ('"C:\Program Files\Immidio\Flex Profiles\FlexEngine.exe" -UemRefreshshortcuts') ('UEM-Refresh.xml')

Any particular reason why you're launching this at the end of the path-based import? The shortcuts have just been processed (actually, 10 of them are still scheduled to be created asynchronously), so this refresh will probably not achieve much (under most circumstances this will just result in an "Async UEM actions or UEM Refresh in progress" error message in the log file (actually, most probably in a "-1" log file, as the main log file will be in use)).


Note: I am using it due to the random error [see below attached image] that I am seeing

the below error may be related to app volumes (I am not sure).


-sor-s error.PNG

Re: User Profile is not updating in UEM


Pim, Please find the attached latest log file.


I lost pinned short cut for Outlook on task bar

Re: vCenterのサービスが起動できない





SQL 認証を使用している場合、VMware VirtualCenter Server サービスを起動するときに次のエラーで失敗する: ログイン失敗、データベースに接続できませんでした (2093729) | VMware KB



「failed to create http proxy アクセス許可で禁じられた方法でソケットにアクセスしようとしました」というエラーメッセージになりました。

netstat -anoで確認したところ、ポート80でPID4のプロセスが動いていることがわかりました。



Windows Process Activation Service

World Wide Web Publishing Service



「アクセス許可で禁じられた方法でソケットにアクセスしようとしました」というエラー | サラリーマンのすらすらIT日記






Re: Windows 10 Search box stops working after a recompose


Check the Windows Search service. It most likely is not started. We ran into similar issues a lot previously when we used Unidesk on top of Horizon. Haven't had any issue since using Linked Clones though. I will check my notes when I am back in office in case there is anything we documented earlier.

Need feedback about UEM


Hi all,


I am looking at VMware User Environment Manager as solution for user profile management in our Horizon 6/7 environment but would like to get feedback from users out there that actually have this in place. We are currently using Appsense but it is causing stability issues with Windows 10. I am performing my own tests but for those of you that have it in production will be able to tell me more about it.


I am after:


1. What issues are you seeing with it

2. What are you capturing in the profile

3. What is it not able to capture

4. Is there any stability or performance issues with the desktops


I need a solution that will capture all user customizations including browser bookmarks, MS Office 2016 suite customizations, email signatures, start menu and quick access pinnings, etc. Appreciate all of your feedback.




vCOPS 5.7 Standard vs. vROPs 6.5 Standard Features


Good Morning everyone, does anyone know the vCOPS 5.7 Standard vs. vROPs 6.5 Standard Features?

How to Increase C drive space in windows Server 2008


Dear Folks.


My Windows Server 2008 have less space left in C drive, could you guide me how to increase (Drive Extend)

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