the only thing i can see here is that you are only focusing on your own device! You might have the eth with 1000 but your wire speed is 100 that doesnt make any changes, if the wires still dont solve it, you will have to upgrade the port where your interface is comming from,"router or switch" it needs to have atleast the same speed both end.
Re: How to fix nfs41client not load ?
Can't remount datastores after SRM failback
I'm running SRM 5.8. After a failback, some datastores are not being remounted by ESXi hosts in the protected site. Any ideas what would cause this? They were mounted fine before the DR excercise.
How to change the password of a VM by the vmware SDK
How to change the password of a VM by the vmware SDK
Re: SRM and ESXi networking
Ok thanks for the input
Re: How to virtual-is Active Directory?
Hi Ray,
I am trying to deliver Active Directory feature to VDI users, I am using common image for all types of users.
what is the proper way to deliver AD feature to Administrators thous who had access to AD on floating pool VDI?
Thank you,
Re: Virtual objects compliance status out of date
We are running VSAN 6.5
Re: Virtual objects compliance status out of date
Hello Anthony,
Try re-synchronizing your VASA Providers before re-applying Storage Policies.
If this does not resolve then you can use the following steps to force Objects into compliance:
- Identify the Storage Policy(s) in use by the affected Objects.
- Add a rule set with no values to this policy (e.g. "IOPS Limit: 0")
- After saving the change to the policy it will ask if you want to apply this to all Objects now, apply it.
- Remove the rule and re-apply to all again.
If all Objects are otherwise healthy then performing the above will not cause any significant resync, this can also thin Objects that are inadvertently created as Thick.
-o- If you found this comment useful please click the 'Helpful' button and/or select as 'Answer' if you consider it so, please ask follow-up questions if you have any -o-
Re: problem with config log insight
dear all
how can inderstand my log insight has been work correctly ?????
i have attached a pic from overview log insight some charts don't have any data are these charts correct ?
Re: 503 Service Unavailable (Failed to connect to endpoint:
Hi guys! I have the same problem since a few month and I can't find the solution.
My vcenter server is in:
OS. Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
DB: Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise 11.0.2100.60
VCenter Version: Versión 6.5.0 Compilación 5318154 (18 APRIL 2017)
Also I had the same problem in oldest versions (4602587 and 4944578).
As a temporaly solution I delete de profile folders from C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\data\vSphere Web Client\SerenityDB\serenity, after delete the profile folders works.
But I need to fix it definitly because crash frecuently.
I checked the GPO and not all user are add, and I cound't add it. hi users I couldn't add because doesn´t exist in my server.
The IPv6 is disabled in my Vcenter Server,
The DNS is correct in my DC ( register A and PTR)
The host file it's empty.
Someone can help me?
Sorry for my poor English, my native language is Spanish
Re: Any Success With DYMO LabelWriter on AppStack?
For as far as I know you can't add a driver for a printer in an appstack (not 100% sure though because the spooler is being restarted after appstacks are attached) if you attach the device locally and you would need to passthough the device on your ThinClient even if it would be possible. Also, your TC would need to support this.
What we did is we connected the Dymo printers to a Dymo printserver using this thing (yes, I'm Dutch DYMO LabelWriter Print Server - ) , created a print queue for it on the print server and installed it into the VDI using a script to install the printer. Manually installing works as well. The thing is that you don't need to worry to much about drivers because it is network connected. And now you are able to share it with multiple users.
We then created an Appstack that ONLY holds the application for the Dymo Labelwriter (not the driver, please do not select it during install) and gave permissions to people that have permissions to a Dymo Labelprinter.
The thing is that the Dymo software actually looks for a Dymo Labelwriter with it's corresponding driver when starting up. If it can't find a Dymo printer it simply wont work.
Re: PowerCLI script for vSphere capacity planning
I just copied it out and ran it to of course get errors. Whenever you are copying and pasting something of this complexity there is going to be some editing required. Just follow the errors to the lines and work out the issues. I'd recommend a script editor that has line numbering like PowerGUI to help you troubleshoot. Its running for me now after fixing the errors which were all line breaks added in by this being posted in a forum. All of those breaks were after the ` character on long lines (in the upper left corer of the keyboard, shift of ~tilde~). Just put your mouse curser at the end of those lines ending in ` and hit del until the next line comes up to the line you are on.
As for not connecting to vCenter, make sure you change the three variable assignments at the top where it tells you to as below:
#-------------------------CHANGE THESE VALUES--------------------------------
$SMTPServer = ""
$vCenterServerName = "PRODVCENTER01-VM"
$ToAddress = ""
make sure everything you put in quotes is resolvable. That "PRODVCENTER01-VM" should be changed to your vCenter.
Re: Unable to check compliance since host does not have vSphere Host Profiles license
My Infrastrucuture have esxi 5.5 and 6.0 versions.
Getting "page can’t be found" on vsphere web client
We have a vsphere v6 with vcenter appliance sitting on one of 3 hosts. Few days ago vcenter started playing up and we had to restore it from the backup.
It restored fine but when trying to browse to https://vcenteraddress/vsphere-client - getting "page can’t be found" (its not a DNS or browser issue, https://vcenteraddress page opens fine).
And vSphere client works fine.
Any idea what could be the problem?
ESX server AD domain join issue
During our ESXi deployment automation, we use Set-VMHostAuthentication to join the ESXi v6.5 server to the AD domain.
This works flawlessly about 2/3 of the time.
The other 1/3, the join succeeds, (Get-VMHostAuthentication).DomainMembershipStatus -eq "OK", and the computer's domain account has been updated (we pre-create the account and make sure all DC's know about the account before attempting the join).
- the field (Get-VMHostAuthentication).TrustedDomains -eq $null (normal completion shows the one trusted sub-domain)
- When we try to grant a domain user/group permissions, we see error
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (myDomain\myGroup:String) [New-VIPermission], VimException
- If we reboot the ESX server, there is no joined domain.
Domain-related DNS and AD replication all appear to be properly configured.
This behaviour also occurs using the web client, which is why I'm posting this here and not in the PowerCLI forum.
Before I go down the Likewise logging/debugging path, I'm wondering if anyone has experienced something similar and/or can provide pointers to the root cause.
Thank you for this.
Move from windows vcenter server to vcsa in same version (horizontal)
we just upgraded our windows vcenter server to 6.5d. Just after that i found out, that i could have upgraded to the VCSA, but now it is too late.
Is there a way to move to the VCSA from the same version or do i have to wait for the next version to go that way ?
Re: vCSA 6.5 installation stuck at RPM installation
I had the same issue -- turns out I forgot to disable DRS on the cluster. So mid-update the appliance was migrated to a new host, causing it to hang. I re-ran the update after setting DRS to partially-automated and all was well.
Re: MS Exchange Solution polluting vROPs with "Database Instance msexchangerepl/Log Verifier" objects
Did you ever get a fix? We're on the same software versions
Re: Looking for a way to cache an auth token in vRO
You could use a Resource Element to store this in, I've done the same thing various times. My basic premise looks like this:
01) Create Workflow with Locking that first checks Resource Element and examines expiry time of token
02) If token has expired, it fetches a new one and updates Resource Element. If not, it retrieves the stored one
03) Wfl is unlocked at the end (and also unlocked in default error handling)
04) (everything can use the same wfl to fetch a token for that API as the locking should prevent token clashes)
Make sure you use locking because you don't want the same wfl hit by 2 instances or you'll probably get token clash. By the same respect, be sure to allow unlocking on error. I prefer storing the entire token but my wfl has 2 outputs, the full token and just the 'token' part of it so I can null out the one I don't want. Also, depending on the token, watch out for things like 'token lifetime' vs 'token refresh' as some systems will have a valid time of e.g. 24hrs but that's only valid if you keep refreshing the thing (it seemed fairly redundant and a little insecure to me keeping a token valid just in case it might be required).
Why is it so hard to compact an ext3 boot drive?
Compacting under the Virtual Machine Settings does not work on a 12 GB ext3 drive with a ubuntu derivative installed.
Tried to copy it to another 12 GB drive using this from a live CD boot:
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb
and the new drive's vmdk was just as large.
Tried Acronis Rescue CD and the same happened.
Why is it so hard? Must I install linux again to a new drive just to recover the unused space?
Re: How to stop/disable autoload of PowerShell modules?
Hi, many thanks for your answers.
The problem is that the modules will be loaded automatically without notice.
I tried the $PSModuleAutoloadingPreference method but it seems to have no effect at all.
For example my code looks like this:
$PSModuleAutoloadingPreference = 'None'
$computer = "srv01"
Remove-Module vmware*
Import-Module Hyper-V
get-vm -ComputerName "srv01"
The output is a list of all my Hyper-V VMs. So far so good.
When I execute the cmd "get-vm -ComputerName "srv01" " alone it brings me this:
WARNING: Please consider joining the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program, so you can help us make PowerCLI a better product. You can join using the following command:
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $true
VMware's Customer Experience Improvement Program ("CEIP") provides VMware with information that enables VMware to improve its products and services, to fix problems, and to advise you on how best to deploy and use our products. As part of the CEIP, VMware collects technical information about your organization’s use of VMware products and services on a regular basis in association with your organization’s VMware license key(s). This information does not personally identify any individual.
For more details: type "help about_ceip" to see the related help article.
To disable this warning and set your preference use the following command and restart PowerShell:
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $true or $false.
ERROR: Get-VM : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'ComputerName'.
MoveIT_OneGlass-PSScriptImporter.ps1 (38, 8): ERROR: At Line: 38 char: 8
ERROR: + get-vm -ComputerName "srv01"
ERROR: + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ERROR: + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-VM], ParameterBindingException
ERROR: + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.GetVM
This is totally weird. :-(