Re: Workflow to Monitor ESXi services
Look at: You should be able to duplicate that workflow and add whatever services you want. This package displays the results in a web page. Joe
View ArticleRe: VCO Performance Issue?
Here is the VMware KB to adjusting the java Heap size in VCO. I hope this helps your issue.
View ArticleRe: how can i see the list of IP's available and allotted to the VMware server?
Okay, you've posted in the VMware Workstation forum yet you said "I created VM's on Vmware server ESXi 5.0..." and since there is no VMware Product by that name, ESXi is vSphere Hypervisor and VMware...
View ArticleRe: Consiglio per concentratore di USB?
mi obiettano che il costo di due (per ridondanza) 5M è tale che conviene tenere i server ho contro obiettato che ne acquisterei uno solo, tanto in caso si guasti si possono sempre spostare le...
View ArticleCannot remove unused Uplink Ports on Distributed Swtich vSphere 5.1
I have recently removed a host with 6 Nics from a Distributed Switch . The remaining hosts only have 2 Nics so I would like to remove the unused uplink ports on the vDS. I have tried this by dialling...
View ArticleRe: network issues after installing vshield app
Hi Victor,no nothing on blocked flows!and now other problem: when creating a new VM, i can't see it on vshield web interface with other VMs!!!
View ArticleRe: Consiglio per concentratore di USB?
Beh, non ha dischi meccanici, è solo una scheda di vetronite con dei chip. Il peggio che può capitare è che prenda una scarica di elettricità eccessiva, ma immagino sia a valle dei vari UPS come il...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.0 utracony dostęp zdalny
Oki, sorki za te pierwsze w sumie nie sprawdziłem Masz w firewall domyślną polityke DROP... spróbuj ją zmienić na przepuszczanie wszystkiego, za pomocą komendy: esxcli network firewall set...
View ArticleVMware DR
Hi All,We are about to acquire a decent piece of kit that I plan on having in a separate location as a VMware host for DRWe currently have 3 production hosts with Veeam backup and replication in...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.5 Changes in USB controller support?
Solution for Intel S1200BTL motherboard. Open the server case. Find USB port that is attached directly to the motherboard, it is near SATA connectors. Plug keyboard into it.Voila, it works!
View ArticleRe: VMware vSphere Update Manager Extension: Unable to retrive health data...
Si scusate la versione di VCenter Server è la 5.1 come quella di Vsphere client sempre 5.1.Appena posso provo i Vostri preziosi suggerimenti. Grazie
View ArticleGet Guestos trough Powercli
Hi all, I wrote below script to get all Vm's in my Vcenters that don't have vmware tools installed. i am trying to include the vm's / guests operating system into the csv output as well and can't seem...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0: black screen on VM console
Hi, maybe this is not the scenario, but sometimes resolution dns, between vSphere Client and host, will finish in black screen (and a legend with a MKS error), Regards
View ArticleRe: vcCustomizationSysprep
That's from Steve Jin's book about the vSphere API and SDK. if it's written for vCenter 4, most of the data model is still...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.0 utracony dostęp zdalny
Sprawdzałem role ściany - wyglądały na takie same jak w działających hostach ale o przepuszczeniu wszystkiego po prostu nie pomyślałem (wstyd się przyznać). Sprawdzę w poniedziałek (zew zbliżającej się...
View Articlevsphere replication standalone 5.5
Hi. i am so confused i use vsphere replication 5.5 standalone can i use 2 vsphere replication appliane with just one vcenter and 2 host ? and i want use second vspher replication for failback ?...
View ArticleRe: VMware vSphere Update Manager Extension: Unable to retrive health data...
Ho fatto come suggerito da fbonez. tutto Ok!!!Grazie tante per il Vostro aiuto Risolutivo!
View ArticleRe: Keyboard Error. Keyboard not working at ESXi install screen.
Solution for Intel S1200BTL motherboard. Open the server case. Find USB port that is attached directly to the motherboard, it is near SATA connectors. Plug keyboard into it.Voila, it works!
View ArticleRe: network issues after installing vshield app
1. Is the VM "plugged" into the right vSwitch/network? 2. Can you add the VM to vShield App's exclusion list? (it gives you a list of VM's and you can pick it out). 3. is vShield App installed on just...
View ArticleRe: I am fali to move a VM on another ESxi Host
Maybe the vmware tools install over the VM was launched... Regards
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